Why We Fear The Second Coming Christ.

What is your first gut reaction when you hear this; JESUS IS COMING SOON?

One of the things to do when you’re about to do something wrong is to have a lookout, someone to warn you that you’re about to get caught so you can stop whatever it is you’re doing (that you’re not supposed to be doing).

Fear of being caught comes when you’re doing the wrong thing.When you’re in the right you don’t mind anybody knowing or seeing you but when you’re wrong you seek for secrecy.

For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.

John 3:20

When the Bible say evil thrives in the night, it does not mean actual nighttime alone but majorly the cloak of darkness, the secrecy available in the darkness, that unless light is introduced no one can see what you’re doing whether right or wrong.

When you hear Jesus is coming soon what is your first gut reaction?.

Peace or fear?.

The first reaction you have to hearing of the second coming of the Lord Jesus says a lot about how prepared you are for it.

FEAR: Fear comes when the outcome of something is perceived to be unpalatable or unknown. We have a fear of falling from a very high place because we know the outcome is either death or broken bones with torn skin and you’ll fear eating an unknown substance because you can’t be sure of the outcome whether it’ll be good or bad. Nobody fears a good time.

So to feel fear when you hear that Jesus is coming soon either means you know you’ve been violating the terms of your salvation or you are not sure of your salvation.

What are the terms of our salvation?

We’re not saved by works or the law, we’re saved when we believe in our heart and confess by our mouth that Jesus is Lord. We’re saved through the finish work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31. And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Acts 16:30

At the point of accepting Jesus as our lord we forsake our old life and accept the life of Christ. We become one with Christ, hidden in him; Galatians 2:19-20.

You cannot work your salvation by yourself or the works of your hands, the bible says all our righteousness are like a filthy rag. When we give our life to Christ we become a New being in a Old house. And as we continue in the walk of faith the Holy spirit starts renewing us, He rebuilds us.

Salvation makes you eligible to receive the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit works through your spirit to change your soul and body.
One of the mistakes we make is we try to convict people of their sin without introducing them to the cross and to the ministry of The Holy Spirit.

The flesh is strong and it’s predominantly under the influence of the world, the world is under the authority of Satan. But when you give your life to Christ you’re transferred to the kingdom of God such that even though you’re in the world you’re not of the world.

Getting your body to behave by your human strength is warring against the authorities of this world with tools that’s powerless against the enemy; that’s why we fail.

It’s like going to fight a person in their home tuff with a weapon they provide, you’ll fail. (2 Corinthians 10:4)

We win by fighting with our weapons in the Lord; the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, Prayer, Obedience, Consecration. When you allow the Holy Spirit to convict you on something, it’ll not be hard to drop it because He would have first teach, strengthened and empowered you to drop it.

The Bible says you will know the truth and it’ll make you free, do you know why?. Because no one can convince you otherwise of a fact you know. A truth known brings deliverance, for example if you know a food is poisoned you won’t eat it except under duress and under duress you might still refuse because you know for a fact the food is poisoned and the result is death.

That is what truth does, it empowers. This is why when we read our Bible we should always pray to God to open our eyes to the truth of His Word so that we’re not interpreting scriptures from the lens of emotions or worldly influence but from the influence of the Holy Spirit. He is the author of the scripture and He’s the best choice for interpretation and comprehension.

The work of the Holy Spirit cannot be overemphasized in our lives as believers, that’s why the scripture says “As many as are led by The Spirit of God they are the sons of God.” (Romans 8:14). Except you’re led by the Spirit you can’t live right with God.

So if you feel fear when you hear of the second coming of Jesus it’s either you’re not sure of your salvation or you know you’re not living in accordance to his will.

The good news is there’s still time for restitution and correction. If you’re doing things you know is a violation to the terms of your salvation please repent now (tomorrow may be too late).

And if you’re uncertain of your salvation then I’ll advice you to search your life and search scripture. What does the Bible say about salvation. Search spiritual materials but be careful so as not to read books authored by the devil masquerading as a believing author examples of authors that you can read their materials are Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Renard Bonkke, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Bob Sorge, Joyce Meyer e.t.c (I’ll put two books on the issue of salvation down below so read to the last paragraph).

PEACE: If your answer to the above question is peace and anticipation then congratulations it means you’re secured in your salvation and you’re actively waiting for the Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. The only thing I’ll tell to you is; please don’t relent, “let he that stand take heed lest he falls” (1 Corinthians 10:12). We are to pick our cross daily to follow him.

We grow daily in our walk with God through the Holy Spirit.


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

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